Bring Your Own Device

What is BYOD?

HOPE International School has a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program in secondary school. Students in grades 6 to 12 are required to bring a computing device to school every day that is compatible, secure, and in good working order. Students are also required to bring their own headphones every day for use in lessons or tests that require audio.

The main goals of our BYOD program are to increase the availability of technology in the classroom in a way that is sustainable for years to come and to better train and equip our students to be discerning users of technology.

Typically, middle school students can use a Chromebook for most school activities. The same for high school students, however some classes may need a more powerful device like a Windows laptop or Macbook. See Device Types for more information.

Need to buy a device?

The good thing is, there are many options depending on budget and student needs. HOPE International School has good relationships with our vendors, some with agreements to sell at the same cost to HOPE families as they do the school. Head over to Buy a Device to get more information.